About Us-Join

The TEXAS 20 Purchasing Cooperative is a dynamic group offering procurement services for your school food service program. We use the collective buying power of our members securing the best price on a variety of items. We provide training, resources and exceptional customer service to assist you in managing your procurement process.
Membership is open to all public, charter and private schools as well as non-profit organizations. Email us for more information. Membership Inquiry
Member Services
As a member of the TEXAS 20 Purchasing Cooperative, you are part of a purchasing network that administers annual Requests for Proposals. Bids are in compliance with USDA and the Texas Department of Agriculture that meet your child nutrition program requirements.
We provide training to assist you in managing your food purchases and successfully utilize state funded entitlement dollars for commodity processing use. |
Food Purchasing
TEXAS 20 services its members through an annual proposal process open to vendors and manufacturers in order to solicit pricing for the upcoming proposal term. Proposals are maintained through each program year.
TEXAS 20 Cooperative solicits pricing on items related to food service operations, and complies with federal, state and local procurement laws. |
Commodity Processing
The TEXAS 20 Purchasing Cooperative supports member districts in utilizing their USDA entitlement dollars for commodity processed items. Contracting Entities convert raw bulk USDA foods into ready-to-use end products. Members select awarded manufacturers' highest nutritional food-based products.
Bid Timeline SY 2024-2025

Join TEXAS 20
Membership Documents